Monday, March 15, 2010

Pastor Jim's conversation with kv small group leaders

We had a really good time with Pastor Jim on Saturday morning as he came and talked with us about what he envisions for our small groups.  He envisions our groups focusing on three priorities:  1.  Connecting (to Christ & others)   2.  Developing (in relationship with Christ & others) 3.  Engaging (in ministry with Christ & others)  

As we press on after these priorities in our various and unique groups , we believe that God is going to help us lead people to a deeper experience with Him.  Looking forward to our next small group gathering on Saturday, April 17, 10:30 - noon.  At that gathering we will be focusing on how to make use of  If you want to go there and see what is available for your small group ministry, get in contact with me and I will remind you of the login information.

Grace and peace,

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Wesleyan Women's Group Moms and Daughters Serving together

It is really exciting to see the fresh excitement surrounding KV's Wesleyan Women.  Meeting once a month, this dynamic group of Jesus followers is constantly looking for ways to serve our community.  Their current focus is helping to provide important items for the SJ Pregnancy Resource Center.  A representative from the Center was featured at the March meeting. You will begin to notice signs and a collection area at our church facility in the next few weeks.  The crowd has been growing at the past several monthly meetings as the group has been encouraging mothers and daughters to attend the meetings together.  This has created some really great conversations and has sparked new relationships across the generations for these women.  Way to go!    

Small Group Leaders Gathering Saturday, March 13

The KVWC small group leaders are getting together this Saturday morning, 10:30-noon for a time of connecting, encouragement and empowering.  Pastor Jim will be sharing with us concerning some of his vision for our small groups and our ministry within KVWC.  We will be meeting in the lower worship center. See you there.